Attachment Modification

Prerequisites: A rough understanding of how TrainCarts Attachments work.

Apply a modification

Config File Syntax


filename points to a file in the plugin’s attachments subfolder excluding .yml.

For example, the file at plugins/CoasterSigns/attachments/lightsOff.yml would be adressed with lightsOff.

See the modification file syntax below.

These files do not have to be reloaded, they are always re-read with every execution.

Inline Syntax


target is made up of a range, and a child target, both of which are optional.

The range is indicated by starting with r, then providing a range in the same syntax as in the modification file.

The child element target is indicated by starting with c, then providing a target in the same syntax as in the modification file.


modification can be one of:

Movement Direction Filter

(first parameter) (direction)
(fourth line)

direction can be >, <, right, left, north, south, west, east, up, down or any of their first letters. >, <, right and left (only applicable on physical signs) are used on signs to distinguish the train’s movement relative to the sign.

Modification file syntax:

  # list of individual modifications to make
  - range: .. # every cart, default behaviour
    # this argument is ignored when executing on a single cart
    # change CustomModelData:
    custommodeldata: int
    # exchange displayed item
    item: id, without namespace
    # change attachment type (only requires declaration to change it)
    type: none | empty | item

    # target first child attachment:
    child: 0
    # target fourth child's first child's second child:
    child: 3:0:1
    # to target root attachment, omit child property
  - range: 0 # head cart
  - range: 2..5 # carts 3 to 6 (inclusive)
  - range: 3.. # carts 4 and onwards
  - range: ..2 # every cart up to the third (inclusive)